Artist Statement

I am an artist who works in the field of digital art, mostly Photoshop and other similar illustration programs. Although it is not my main practice, I also have limited experience in the subjects of HTML and CSS coding, painting, photography, Blender, metal casting/smithing, and other basic sculpture techniques. I hope to one day create concept art in the videogame industry. Games have always been a passion of mine and I hope my experience can help me pursue opportunities in that field. I have always been drawn to art and I find it fun; I want to create things that are cool and interesting in hopes to turn it into something that brings other people enjoyment because they too find the it cool and interesting. My dream is to see the things I design breathe life into a playable world that myself and others can enjoy exploring.

Currently I am going through college to get a degree in digital media art, and one thing I have constantly heard throughout my time at school is that art should have a deeper meaning behind it; that your reason for creating something shouldn’t be just because you thought it looked neat. However, I disagree. I’ve gone through life loving art and wanting to pursue art as a career because I love creating things that look good and capture the interest of others, not necessarily because there is deep meaning and emotion behind the piece. Another thing I have enjoyed throughout life is videogames, I love playing them and seeing the dynamic and interesting worlds that others have created. My goal is to one day be a concept artist for videogames so that I too can create visually compelling and interesting worlds that others enjoying looking at and exploring.